An eco-friendly approach

As an award-winning group of market-leading companies, New Directions recognises our responsibilities to protect the environment for future generations.

We’re passionate about embracing an eco-friendly approach and regularly encourage our employees and third parties to do the same wherever and whenever they can.

Since 2013, New Directions’ Head Office in Cardiff has held ISO14001:2015 accreditation in recognition of our environmentally friendly business operations, and we’re proud of our eco-conscious activities.

If you have any questions or would like to collaborate with New Directions on an eco-related issue, please contact us today.

Emily Tune, ISO14001 ISO9001

The Eco Committee

We formed an Eco-Committee in April 2022 to ensure we’re playing our part in protecting the planet and to take a strategic approach to improve our own sustainability.

The committee will be led by Frances Harflett, Interim Quality Assurance Manager, and comprises of employees from across the New Directions Group.

Meeting on a regular basis, the committee’s role is to:

  • Represent employees,
  • Review outcomes of actions and initiatives,
  • Discuss group-wide measures to achieve goals.
An image of a Welsh river to represent New Directions' eco-friendly approach.

Eco Committee’s goals

The Eco Committee will work towards achieving:

  • Zero net carbon emissions by 2050.
  • A carbon reduction plan, approved by Senior Management.
  • A schedule for benchmarking emissions and waste.
An image of Welsh mountains to represent New Directions' eco-friendly approach.

The Eco-Committee team

The Eco Committee’s members include:

  • Sarah Jackson | Head of Facilities
  • Jack White | Area Manager
  • Lauren Hale | Care Administrator
  • Catrin Reed | Recruitment Consultant
  • Paige Lee | Customer Service Executive
  • Gemma Turner | Recruitment Consultant
  • Tracey Sutton | Care Administrator
  • Elizabeth Kemp | Recruitment Consultant
New Directions HQ

Environmental Policy

The New Directions Group aims to be an environmentally friendly organisation and it’s our intention to promote a policy that’s focused on being green-aware.

Through this policy, a culture will be fostered within the organisation that ensures all employees understand they can make a significant contribution to being an environmentally friendly and green-aware organisation.

Read the New Directions Environmental Policy

Wind turbines are on top of a hillside.

New Directions Recycling

New Directions are committed to recycling as a business and monitor our waste and recycling production. This has also been rolled out across our branches. You can see our recycling statistics here

New Directions Recycling - April

Fast Facts


8.25 Equivalent Trees Planted


14.84t of CO2 Emissions Saved


5.96t of Standard Coal Saved

Everyone has a part to play in mitigating climate change and minimising our environmental impact wherever we can. We take our responsibility in caring for the environment, and are highly focused on proactively working to improve on the systems and processes we put in place to support this.

Emily Tune
Chief Executive Officer