New Directions Manchester – October Temp of the Month
Primary Consultant Simon Weston, and Business Development Officer Stuart Ash went to surprise one of New Directions best teachers. The duo met Philip Armbrister at Crumpsall Lane Primary School to present him with a certificate for ‘Temp Of The Month’ and a box of celebrations. Simon Weston said “Phil was totally surprised by the award, I value him as a teacher as he gives 110% in the classroom and all the children love him too.”
Phil said “I feel very honoured to get teacher of the month from my team at New Directions, my colleagues really appreciated the Celebrations, as did I. In addition to a caring nature, friendly attitude, and the essential sense of humour we definitely need as teachers, New Directions provide me with a valuable support network should I need support of any kind. I feel like a valued member of the team.”
School Business Manager, Karen Buxton said “Phil is a great teacher and we really enjoy having him at the school, all the staff and children like him as he brings a breath of fresh air to the school with his approach to teaching.”
Congratulations to Phil from everyone at New Directions Manchester.
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