September 2012 Temp Of The Month – Manchester

Amanda Stothard Branch Manager of the Manchester Branch presented Rita Froggatt, Primary Teacher with the award for September Temp of the Month and a box of chocolates. Amanda Comments ‘I am delighted to announce Rita as our Temp of the Month for September 2012. Rita has worked extremely hard and goes above and beyond the schools expectations. She is very loyal, hard working and a delight to work with’.
Assistant Head Teacher – Richard Osler added ‘I would describe Rita as being ‘Broad Oak’s flexible friend’ in so much as she is happy to teach any age group of pupil- sometimes with very little notice. She is a great team player and is as committed to the children as is our full time permanent staff. She has established great working relationships with all of the staff and people are reassured when they know Rita is covering their class. She was my first choice when we needed a long term cover teacher. She inspires great confidence’.
Rita Froggatt said of the award ‘It was such a lovely surprise and it was totally unexpected, its so nice to be appreciated’.
Well Done Rita from everyone at Manchester New Directions.
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