Ysgol Peniel Celebrates Saint David’s Day

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On Friday March 1st 2013 Ysgol Peniel held a traditional Cawl Evening for pupils, staff and families in order to celebrate Saint David’s Day.

The evening’s celebrations started at 6.30pm with cawl being served up to all attending. This was followed by a variety of traditional performances from the pupils in the hall.  The children had been excited all day and were keen to perform in front of a large audience.

Performances included folk dancing, Welsh recitals and folk songs being sung.             The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all and proceeds were donated to the school’s PTA. New Directions Education donated a cheque of £50 to the event.

Michelle Thorne, Account Manager for the specialist Welsh medium desk in the          New Directions Swansea office attended the event. Speaking about the evening she said ‘To see very traditional celebrations of all things Welsh was really inspiring. Having pride in our heritage means that it will live on and on. I look forward to seeing the schools plans for next year’s St David’s Day celebrations.’

Pupils have now used some of these performances in the initial rounds of the Eisteddfod and New Directions wish them all the very best of luck.
