Easter Training Days for New Directions Staff
The Swansea Branch of New Directions Education is continuing to focus their efforts on professional development for all temporary members of staff through training during the Easter break. During the holidays it gives staff time to reflect on the term and have a breather from the hectic lifestyle the school term brings.
It also gives staff time to join New Directions on our on-going training schedule. On Tuesday 9th April, the Swansea branch teamed up with ‘Designed to Smile’. This is a Welsh Government initiative that has been introduced into primary schools in the Swansea borough to aid and help children brush their teeth, and become aware of the benefits of a clean and healthy mouth.
Claire Hayes-Davies a Dental Health Educator commented ‘It is so important for the staff of New Directions to have this training so that the schools can continue this scheme and brush pupils teeth even when their permanent staff are off work.’ The training was a successful day, which all attendees found very interesting and rewarding.
On Wednesday 10th April New Directions resident Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer, Bob Meier, join the team from their Cardiff head office at The Village Hotel in Swansea. Bob conducted two sessions of the Child Protection Training Course.
New Directions held a morning and an afternoon session at the hotel, so Bob was extremely busy and as the course is very in depth and discusses important topics the Swansea team applauded him for his efforts. The course was full to capacity and saw staff including teachers and teacher assistant’s benefit from the training. Bob commented, ‘We are placing staff into schools on a regular basis so we have a responsibility to ensure that our staff are up to speed on all current issues, and are aware of what could be going on with pupils in the classroom.’
The day was extremely successful and we will continue to use the venue for future training.
Watch this space for more training dates.
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