New Directions Manchester ‘Temp of the Month’
New Directions Education Manchester would like to announce Stephen Blight from Manchester as their Temp of The Month. Essa Primary described Stephen as ‘a consistently professional, hard-working superstar’.
Since joining New Directions the team say that Stephen has built up a very good reputation, and has now become an irreplaceable member of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) team at Essa Primary.
Joanna Wood, the Headteacher of ESSA Primary was full of praise and said of Stephen He has been so adaptable in an ever-changing role, has taken a natural leading role in the EYFS team and brought lots of new ideas and energy to the team. Stephen has gone out of his way to really get to know the children and their families and always has their best interests at the heart of everything he does. He has worked so hard when planning lessons to ensure the children’s interests are catered for. Stephen has actively engaged in our CPD sessions and has supported our fairs and events’.
Mudasser Ahmed, Consultant from the New Directions Manchester team presented Stephen with a box of chocolates and a certificate during the end of term assembly at the school. Stephen was pleasantly surprised and grateful that he had won ‘Temp of The Month’ and the children offered the largest cheer ever heard when Stephen received his award.
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