In this interactive and informative workshop you will learn top tips to reduce stress and anxiety.
· Explore stress and anxiety – causes and signs
· Understand ways to prevent compassion fatigue
· Raise awareness of how to avoid procrastination
· Learn the importance of practicing self -care
· Experience mindfulness and breathing techniques
Clare is registered with GTC (General Teaching Council) in Scotland and BAMBA (British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches) as a Mindfulness teacher and adheres to the good practice guidelines for UK Mindfulness teachers.
Teaching over 30 x 8 – week Mindfulness and Wellbeing courses to staff in schools and adults in the community in South Wales. Combining her freelance work with a part-time role in a local education authority as a Training Development Specialist teaching Wellbeing to young people and staff in schools.
She has also delivered many workshops and presentations on well-being to Headteachers, Health care workers, Teachers, and Unions (NAHT, NASUWT, NUT) as well as delivering courses to children and young people and staff in schools and adults in workplace settings.